Google SEO Tutorial

Google Panda & Penguin Tutorial Introduction

Were you affected by the Google Panda algorithm or the Google Penguin algorithm? Penguin is the cause if you can see a drop in Google traffic on the 24th April 2012.

Another Penguin indicator is that your rankings drop the most for the keywords you have used the most in the anchor text in your backlinks. is a free tool that allows you to see your current back-links and the keyword anchor text being used.

Back-Link Profile

The Google Penguin algorithm requires text link density to be less the 5%. A Google friendly linking profile will have mostly URL related links, Brand related links and lots of different ‘junk’ links instead of keyword rich links.

Ideally Brand names include your company name or the name of your website. Keep your links looking natural by using a mix of URL variations. SEO³ will audit your website SEO free.

Focus on creating quality links from different C Class IP addresses. Links from topic related sites are much more valuable to you then they used to be. Trust score is a vital ranking factor so pick domains that are themselves linked to from ‘good neighbourhoods’.

Link from pages that have links pointing to them are more important than unlinked to pages (orphan pages). Links on pages that themselves have established back-links are the best links to get.

Link Farms

Automate link networks only produce low quality Spam back-links and in the end your web site will be penalized for links coming from within these networks.

It is important that you take control of your linking strategy, especially if you use or have used an SEO consulting firm to build links for you – ask for a quote before you speak to anyone else. Talk to them and make sure that they aren’t, or haven’t used commercial link networks to link to your site.

On-Page Requirements

The optimal keyword density to comply with Google Panda is roughly 2%. A link from within your content to an authority .gov or .edu site will help your search engine rankings.

Your site content

High-quality content is king. It also needs to be unique, and produced to a high standard. Contextual linking is the process of building links from words in your content, either to more of your own content, or to external content. It’s considered a good practice for page quality.

Images and Video

Videos and graphics are very useful content. Images are a great way to break up large sections of text and help to explain your site content.

Videos are great for boosting the time that visitors spend on your site. Every image on your pages needs to have relevant alt text that describes the picture using a mix of long-tail keywords and phrases where necessary.

Spell checking is really important and you ought to get in the habit of double-checking whatever you write so that it’s all the highest possible quality. Your content should be as long as it needs to be in order to cover everything you need to say. However, More quality content will give you higher rankings. Over 500 words appears to be beneficial.

Manipulating Google with spammy on-page text is no longer an exercise you should get involved with. You will need your visitors to have interaction with your content, so write it for them first and search engines second.

Word association or latent semantic indexing (LSI) is the process that Google uses to associate phrases within your content together. This allows you to write more naturally without having to use exact match phrases

Description Tags

Make sure that all your pages contain unique meta-tags because if your meta-tags are duplicated across several pages you will receive a ranking penalty. Get your web design sorted at CRWD.

The click through rate from SERP’s to your site can be improved by writing more compelling meta description tags. Make use of meta description tags to inspire more clicks and help your sites user engagement metrics.

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Bounce Rate and Your Visitors

The load speed of your web pages is important to Google. If your site is too slow then you will be penalized. The bounce rate for your website measures the amount of visitors that don’t like what they find.

This is an indication to Google that your content isn’t what visitors are looking for, and so you will see your site drop for the search terms with the highest bounce rates.

Page Views and Time on Site

Google measures the quality of your site by looking at the average volume of pages viewed by visitors. The more pages each person looks at, the better your content is perceived to be.

You can increase your Google rankings by improving the average time that visitors spend on your website. Google relates time on site with content quality and relevance.

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